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Etisoft Reconstruction 


Reconstruction of the website for Etisoft WrocÅ‚aw.


I realized the project as a job to pass the Junior UX Designer course.

I decided to redesign the website for Etisoft, which is owned by my mother. The company deals with thermal transfer printing and the sale of printers and accessories for thermal transfer printing.





I started by making Brief, which involved designing the site from 


scratch. I analyzed the current / old company's website. I also interviewed to learn more about how the company operates and what it earns. I have determined who the competition of the company is and who the company would like to follow. An important element was organizing the menu and designing a new layout. I didn't organize workshops because I collected all data on a regular basis after each class and because the company is small and has few employees.





First, who is this product for?  The main client of the company are other companies, for example production companies that need to use the thermal transfer printing service or are interested in independent printing and need equipment and accessories.

What problem will I solve? I want the website to be intuitive and easily lead to products that the customer wants. I want it to be easy to place an order as it would be most convenient for the customer. The website should be pleasant to pick up and encourage you to take advantage of the offer.

How will the product earn? The company's main income is the offer of services and sale of printers and accessories

How does the product stand out from the competition? The website will have all the necessary information so that the customer can easily find and easily place an order or contact the company.

When will I know that we have succeeded? I will set up Google Analytics and will analyze data on an ongoing basis. An indicator of success will also be an increase in sales.



I started by creating a persona that will be needed for further tasks. Persona will allow us to look at the end user from his point of view and will facilitate making project decisions. Because the company is small and customers are "similar", I created one person.


User stories


I've created several user stories to describe from a user's perspective what product features are needed and why. This will allow us to separate sensible requirements from those that don't make sense.

As a new customer I want to easily find a product that interests me so as not to waste time.

As a customer, I want to place an order quickly so that my company doesn't have downtime

As a customer, I want to to have good contact with Etisoft to get help quickly.

I also asked ourselves a question

How might we help potential customer with placing the order he didn't feel lost? And we will know that we have  achieved success when: more orders and more customers.

Customer journey map


The next step was to create a Customer journey map, which is a visual interpretation of the relationship between the product and the customer. It helps to understand the client and answer questions how and when the client uses our product.

Customer journey map.jpg

Value proposition


Another task was to answer the question why the user should buy a product from us.

Value proposition-03.jpg

Business model canvas


In the next task, I had to describe the process of making money and define the business model of the company. Etisoft operates mainly on the basis of B2B (the company directs the product to other companies) and B2C (the company tries to gain individual customers). Our product fits into the E-commerce model (online sales).

Business model canvas-04.jpg

Competition analysis


I have determined who is the competition for Etisoft. For what? To understand the position of our solution against the market and the market in which we want to operate. It is also important what UI / UX solutions are used by the competition. I compared the business model, target group, environment, strategy and value proposition. How did we get to it? Online forums and customer reviews have given us a lot of answers. The analysis of competition websites also gave us a lot of knowledge.

SWOT Analysis


I also performed a strategic analysis of the company, so called SWOT Analysis. I have found strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as opportunities and threats

Google Analysis


I have connected Google Analysis to Etisoft website. During the analysis I paid attention mainly to the number of inputs, page views, bounce rate. Due to the fact that these are confidential data I will not present them here. But I can write that in the first place I focused on the pages that generate the highest cost and on those with the highest bounce rate.


Assessment Diagram


As part of the competition analysis, we have created an evaluation diagram of Etisoft and 2 competing companies. The rating scale is 0-10 points. I asked some people for help and asked them questions:

1. Can you find what you are looking for on the website?

2. Without knowing the topic, would you know what to order and how?

3. On a scale of 1-10, what is your overall impression of the website?

According to feedback, the competition also has a lot to improve :)

Diagram oceny.jpg

Information Architecture


IThis is a very important element, thanks to which our client knows where he is, where he can go and how he can come back.

We did it by sorting cards and then checked how other people deal with it. We asked the respondents 3 questions:

1. Find sealing foil labels?

2. Find industrial printers?

3. Order the service?

According to the conducted research, there was rather no problem finding yourself on the website. Only when asked about printers there was a problem whether they are in the "products" or "equipment and accessories" category. However, the percentage of this error was so small that I decided to leave the menu unchanged, and when the website will work, we will monitor on a regular basis whether errors still appear.


User Flow


The last stage before prototyping was to create a map that visualizes the entire path that the user must follow to complete the task. For what? To understand the user's needs and answer the following questions: what is important for the user, what the user is trying to achieve, are there any barriers on the road?

User flow-06.jpg



I decided to create a model and a prototype in Figma. Because I could consult everything with my mother on a regular basis, I decided to make the prototype more detailed. I designed the website according to the list of heureists. I paid a lot of attention to the home page, which should encourage a potential customer. Because we did the user flow before, I decided to give direct information and the path to the "service" that brings the company the most profit. An important and problematic subpage was the subpage on which the order could be placed. Since this is not a typical online store, and orders are made by phone or email, I had to come up with a different solution to this problem. The problem was when the customer wanted to order several items at once. I thought that in the box for entering messages should be the option to remember the content.


Front-end web development


I decided to go a step further and develop myself in the field of creating websites on Wordpress. I built the website from scratch, based on the course. Fortunately, I was able to use the help of more experienced people. Please see my first website from A to Z.

Joanna Zawada Logo.png
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